Our Vision

To Be the Premier Higher Educational Institution in Engineering.

We mean “Premier” by being:

  • The first choice of Engineering Students;
  • The most sought after Engineering talent by the industry;
  • A benchmark for Engineering Education;
  • The trend setter in the Engineering Education;
  • The setter of Engineering Education Service Quality Standards;
  • The effective creator of Engineering Professionals; and
  • Partner in progress and growth of the Engineering Profession.

  • Our Mission

    To Achieve Enduring Excellence in Education and Research in Engineering.


  • I nnovation and Adaptability
  • E xcellence in Everything we do
  • S upportive and Responsive
  • L asting, Lively and Transparent
  • C ooperation and Professionalism
  • E mbrace Diversity


    The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) which is the premier professional body for engineers in Sri Lanka has gained reputation as an important provider of engineering education in the country. The history of the IESL Engineering Study Programme dates back to 1967. Over the years it has undergone several reforms in order to improve its standards in terms of quality and relevance and meeting the requirements of the local industry.

    The IESL College of Engineering (Pvt) Ltd. (IESLCE) is a subsidiary of the IESL. It was established in 2011 as the education arm of the IESL with the intention of delivering engineering education in a more efficient and organized manner. The IESLCE is determined to become the best choice for tertiary education in engineering for those who have a passion to become future engineers, but deprived of gaining entry to state universities.It provides the students high quality education in major fields of engineering, while fostering innovation and creativity among them in order to produce leaders in the engineering profession who could contribute to country's GDP.

    With the rapid development in the country, the need for qualified Engineers is on the rise and the few State Universities are unable to cater to this need. As a reputed Educational Institute, the IESLCE has an important role to play in providing competent engineers to fill this gap. Over the past few years, the IESLCE Engineering study programme has gained a good reputation and popularity and it has become a top choice for those who aspire to become future engineers.

    Members of the Board of Directors of IESLCE

    - Eng. Arjuna Manamperi - President IESL- Chairman
    - Eng. K.P.I.U. Dharmapala - Immediate Past President IESL
    - Eng. Dr. Kamal Laksiri- President Elect IESL
    - Eng. Granie Jayalath - IESL Council Nominee
    - Eng. P.W. Sarath - IESL Council Nominee
    - Eng. Prof. Ranjith Dissanayake- IESL Council Nominee
    - Eng. Neil Abeysekera - Executive Secretary IESL

    Members of staff:

    - CEO/Director General: Eng. W N A M Abeysekera
    - Dean: Eng. P D Sarath Chandra
    - Head, Civil Engineering: Eng. (Dr.) G G A Godaliyadda
    - Head, Electrical Engineering: Eng. R I Senaratna
    - Registrar: Mrs. Madhusha Sudasinghe

    All Rights Recived © IESL College Of Engineering,Sri Lanka